Introduction The Stars & Stripes Puffer (Arothron hispidus), also known as the White-Spotted Puffer or…
Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus) is…
Introduction The German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), also known as the Blue Ram, is a…
Introduction The Pinkface Wrasse (Thalassoma quinquevittatum), also known as the Five Stripe Wrasse or Bluehead…
Introduction The Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) is one of the most iconic and beautiful fish…
Introduction The Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii), also known as the…
Clown Tang: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Clown Tang…
Harlequin Tuskfish: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Harlequin Tuskfish…
Introduction The German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), also known as…
Introduction The Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera), also known as the…
Introduction The Blue Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus), also known as…
Arothron Puffer: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Arothron Puffer,…
Introduction The Spotted Mandarin, also known as the Spotted Dragonet…
Introduction The Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) is a stunning freshwater…
Glass Catfish: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Glass Catfish…
Introduction The Flowerhorn Cichlid, a hybrid species known for its…
Introduction Albino Corydoras (Corydoras aeneus) is a popular variant of…
Introduction The Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is one of the…
Banded Archerfish: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Banded Archerfish…
Introduction The Hillstream Loach is a fascinating and unique freshwater…
Introduction The Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a stunning and…
Fathead Sunburst Anthias: Species Profile and Care Guide IntroductionThe Fathead…
Introduction The Checkerboard Wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus), also known as the…