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Scribbled Angelfish Species Profile: Habitat, Feeding, and Care Essentials

Scribbled Angelfish: Species Profile and Care Guide

The Scribbled Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus duboulayi) is a true showstopper in any saltwater aquarium. With its mesmerizing blue and yellow body adorned with intricate, scribble-like patterns, this fish is both stunning and unique. Native to the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific, particularly around Australia, the Scribbled Angelfish is a bit more demanding in terms of care, making it more suitable for intermediate to advanced aquarists. However, for those who are up for the challenge, this angelfish offers beauty, personality, and grace.

Species Overview

  • Scientific Name: Chaetodontoplus duboulayi
  • Common Name: Scribbled Angelfish
  • Size: Up to 10 inches (25 cm)
  • Lifespan: 10 to 15 years in captivity
  • Natural Habitat: Coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific, primarily around northern Australia
  • Diet: Omnivorous

Appearance and Behavior

The Scribbled Angelfish is easily identifiable by its striking body pattern — a combination of vibrant blue base colors with yellow accents, covered in delicate, wavy lines that resemble scribbles. Juveniles often have slightly different patterns and coloration compared to adults, with the full brilliance developing as they mature.

This angelfish is a relatively peaceful species, but it can become territorial, especially as it grows. Scribbled Angelfish are active swimmers and tend to patrol the tank, often making them the centerpiece of a large marine aquarium. They are generally compatible with other non-aggressive fish but can become territorial toward similar species or other large angelfish.

Care Requirements

Tank Size
Scribbled Angelfish require a spacious environment due to their size and active swimming habits. A minimum tank size of 125 gallons is recommended, with larger tanks (180 gallons or more) being ideal to provide enough room for them to thrive. Plenty of rock structures should be included to create hiding spaces and replicate their natural reef habitat.

Water Parameters
Maintaining excellent water quality is crucial for the health of the Scribbled Angelfish. As with most large angelfish, they are sensitive to fluctuations in water chemistry. The ideal parameters are:

  • Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C)
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.022 to 1.025 Specific Gravity
  • Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 ppm (they are highly sensitive to these toxins)
  • Nitrate: Below 20 ppm

Regular water changes and a robust filtration system are essential to keep the environment clean and stable.

Filtration & Aquascaping

Because of their size and waste production, Scribbled Angelfish require strong filtration. A canister filter or a high-quality sump system is recommended to maintain water clarity and reduce nitrates. Protein skimmers can also help keep the water clean.

In terms of aquascaping, create a mix of open swimming spaces and plenty of caves or overhangs. This allows the Scribbled Angelfish to explore and retreat as needed, which helps reduce stress.

Feeding and Diet

Scribbled Angelfish are omnivores and need a varied diet that includes both plant matter and meaty foods. In the wild, they feed on sponges, algae, and small invertebrates, so replicating this diet in captivity is essential for their health and vibrant coloration.

In an aquarium, offer them a mix of:

  • Frozen or fresh foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and chopped clams.
  • Marine angelfish-specific formulas that include sponge matter.
  • High-quality marine algae or seaweed sheets to supplement plant matter in their diet.

Feed them 2-3 times a day in small amounts. Providing a diverse diet will ensure they remain healthy and develop their full coloration.


Scribbled Angelfish are generally peaceful, but they can be territorial, especially when kept with other large angelfish or similar species. It’s best to house them with other non-aggressive tank mates that are not too small to avoid accidental predation.

Ideal tank mates include:

Be cautious when adding them to a reef tank. While Scribbled Angelfish are often considered reef-safe “with caution,” they may nip at soft corals, clams, and other invertebrates. If you have a reef tank, monitor their behavior closely, particularly around your corals.


Breeding Scribbled Angelfish in captivity is very rare, largely due to the size of the tank needed and the complexity of their breeding behavior. They are known to form monogamous pairs in the wild, with males often being slightly larger than females. In the aquarium, it’s difficult to replicate their natural breeding conditions, which include vast territories and specific environmental triggers.

If breeding is a goal, keeping a bonded pair in a large aquarium with optimal water conditions may encourage spawning, but success is unlikely in most home setups.

Common Issues and Health Concerns

Scribbled Angelfish, like other marine angelfish, are prone to parasitic infections such as Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon) and other external parasites. Stress from poor water quality or tank mates can make them more susceptible to disease.

To prevent health issues:

  • Quarantine new fish before adding them to your display tank.
  • Keep water quality high with regular maintenance and water changes.
  • Provide a varied diet to maintain their immune system.

If your angelfish shows signs of disease, such as lethargy, white spots, or rapid breathing, it’s important to act quickly. Isolate the affected fish and treat with appropriate medications in a hospital tank.

Final Thoughts

The Scribbled Angelfish is one of the most beautiful and striking species available in the marine hobby. While they require more care and attention than some other species, their vibrant appearance and active personality make them a standout choice for experienced aquarists. With proper care, this angelfish can thrive in a well-maintained tank for many years, becoming the star of your aquarium.

By following this care guide, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and charm of the Scribbled Angelfish in your saltwater setup.

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Scribbled Angelfish Species Profile: Habitat, Feeding, and Care Essentials - Aquarium Insiders