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Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish Care Guide: Habitat, Compatibility, and Diet


The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish (Chaetodon semilarvatus) is one of the most striking and beautiful marine fish species that can be kept in a home aquarium. Known for its vibrant golden-yellow coloration and striking vertical blue lines across its body, this butterflyfish is a showstopper in any large saltwater or reef tank. Native to the coral-rich waters of the Red Sea, the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is sought after not only for its beauty but also for its relatively hardy nature compared to other butterflyfish species. However, it still requires specific care, including proper habitat setup, a carefully selected diet, and compatible tank mates, to thrive in captivity.

This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about keeping a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish, from creating the ideal tank setup and selecting the right companions to ensuring they receive the proper nutrition.

1. Species Overview

1.1 Scientific Classification

  • Scientific Name: Chaetodon semilarvatus
  • Common Name: Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish, Blue-cheeked Butterflyfish, Golden Butterflyfish
  • Family: Chaetodontidae
  • Origin: Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
  • Lifespan: 5-8 years in captivity (can live longer with excellent care)
  • Size: Up to 10 inches (25 cm)
  • Care Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Temperament: Peaceful to semi-aggressive
  • Reef Compatibility: Reef-safe with caution

1.2 Physical Appearance

The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is easily distinguished by its vivid golden-yellow body with thin, vertical blue lines that extend from its head to its caudal fin. These lines give the fish an elegant, almost regal appearance, especially when paired with the bright blue markings around its gill covers, giving it the alternative name, the Blue-cheeked Butterflyfish. The fish’s tall, laterally compressed body is well-adapted for maneuvering through coral reefs in search of food.

In addition to its vivid coloring, the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish also boasts flowing dorsal and anal fins that contribute to its graceful swimming pattern. With proper care, this butterflyfish can become the centerpiece of a large, well-maintained marine aquarium.

1.3 Lifespan

In captivity, Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish can live for approximately 5 to 8 years, though they may live longer if provided with optimal care, stable water conditions, and a nutritious diet. Achieving a long lifespan requires careful attention to their dietary needs, tank setup, and compatibility with other tank mates.

2. Natural Habitat

2.1 Geographic Origin

The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is native to the coral reefs of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. In the wild, these fish can be found swimming in pairs or small groups, particularly around coral heads, lagoons, and reef slopes. The clear, warm waters of the Red Sea provide the perfect environment for these fish, with plenty of hiding spots, coral structures, and an abundance of food, including invertebrates and coral polyps.

This butterflyfish species is typically found at depths ranging from 10 to 130 feet, with juveniles often inhabiting shallower waters and adults preferring deeper reef areas. The stable water conditions, abundant coral cover, and nutrient-rich ecosystem of the Red Sea contribute to the health and vibrancy of this species in the wild.

2.2 Water Conditions in the Wild

The waters of the Red Sea, where the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish originates, are warm, clear, and rich in coral formations. These waters have stable salinity and pH levels, with consistent water movement and nutrient availability. Replicating these conditions in an aquarium is key to ensuring the long-term health and well-being of the butterflyfish.

The ideal water conditions for a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish include:

  • Temperature: 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C)
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023 to 1.025 specific gravity
  • Water hardness: 8 to 12 dKH
  • Ammonia and Nitrites: 0 ppm (both should always be undetectable)
  • Nitrate levels: < 20 ppm (lower is better, especially in reef tanks)

Stable water conditions are essential for keeping this butterflyfish healthy. Fluctuations in water quality can stress the fish, making them more susceptible to diseases like marine ich and bacterial infections. Regular water changes and diligent water parameter monitoring are crucial to maintaining a healthy environment for the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish.

3. Tank Setup

3.1 Tank Size

The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is a large species that requires ample swimming space to thrive. A minimum tank size of 125 gallons (475 liters) is recommended for a single adult butterflyfish. However, if you plan to keep multiple individuals or house the butterflyfish in a reef community tank, a larger aquarium (200 gallons or more) is preferable.

These fish are active swimmers and will benefit from a spacious tank with plenty of open swimming areas, as well as coral structures and rock formations that mimic their natural habitat. Providing enough space will help reduce stress and territorial aggression, particularly in larger community tanks.

3.2 Water Parameters

Maintaining stable water parameters is vital for the health and longevity of the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish. These fish are sensitive to changes in water quality, so consistent water testing and maintenance are required to keep them healthy. The ideal water parameters for a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish tank are:

  • Temperature: 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C)
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023 to 1.025 specific gravity
  • Ammonia and Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate levels: < 20 ppm

Performing regular water changes (about 10-20% weekly) is essential to maintaining these parameters. In addition to water changes, using high-quality filtration systems, such as sump filters, canister filters, or protein skimmers, will help keep the water clean and oxygenated.

3.3 Filtration and Water Flow

Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are used to the well-oxygenated waters of coral reefs, so providing a strong filtration system is necessary to maintain water quality. A sump-based filtration system or high-capacity canister filter is ideal for a large aquarium housing butterflyfish, as these systems offer efficient mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration.

In addition to filtration, moderate to strong water flow is recommended to mimic the natural currents found in coral reef environments. Powerheads or wave makers can be used to create water movement, which will help keep the water well-oxygenated and prevent detritus from settling in the tank. Ensure that the water flow is not too aggressive, as this could stress the butterflyfish.

3.4 Tank Décor and Aquascaping

Creating a naturalistic environment is key to keeping a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish comfortable and stress-free. These fish are accustomed to swimming through coral formations and require plenty of hiding spots and natural structures where they can retreat when needed.

Here are some aquascaping tips for a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish tank:

  • Live rock: Incorporate live rock into the tank to provide natural grazing surfaces and shelter. Live rock also serves as a biological filter, supporting beneficial bacteria that break down waste.
  • Coral structures and caves: Provide plenty of coral formations, caves, and overhangs where the butterflyfish can hide and explore. These structures help reduce stress and territorial behavior.
  • Open swimming space: While hiding spots are important, leave plenty of open space for the butterflyfish to swim freely. These fish are active and need room to explore and forage for food.
  • Lighting: Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish do well under moderate to high lighting conditions, particularly in reef tanks where corals need sufficient light. However, avoid overly intense lighting, which could stress the fish.

While these butterflyfish are generally reef-safe, they may nip at some soft corals or invertebrates, so monitor their behavior closely, especially if you have sensitive corals in your tank.

4. Diet and Feeding

4.1 Natural Diet

In the wild, Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are omnivores, with a diet that primarily consists of small invertebrates, coral polyps, and algae. They are active foragers, spending much of their time grazing on coral heads and reef structures. While they feed on a variety of food sources, they are particularly known for their affinity for coral polyps, making them somewhat risky in certain reef tank setups.

4.2 Feeding in Captivity

In captivity, it is essential to provide a well-balanced diet that closely replicates their natural food sources. Offering a variety of foods will help ensure that the butterflyfish receives all the necessary nutrients for proper growth, health, and coloration. Here’s what you can feed a Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish in your aquarium:

  • Frozen or live foods: Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped seafood (such as squid, shrimp, or clam) should form the base of their diet. These foods provide essential proteins and nutrients.
  • Marine algae and seaweed: Offering dried seaweed (nori) or marine algae wafers will help satisfy their herbivorous needs. You can use an algae clip to attach the seaweed to the tank, allowing the fish to graze throughout the day.
  • High-quality marine pellets or flakes: Pellets and flakes formulated for butterflyfish or omnivorous marine fish are great for providing balanced nutrition. Look for foods that contain spirulina, marine proteins, and essential vitamins.
  • Coral food: If you’re keeping your Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish in a reef tank, they may occasionally nip at coral polyps, so providing them with coral-specific food can help satisfy this craving.

Feed your Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish 2-3 times per day, offering small portions that they can consume within a few minutes. It’s important to avoid overfeeding, as uneaten food can degrade water quality and lead to health issues. Be sure to remove any uneaten food after each feeding to maintain clean water conditions.

4.3 Dietary Supplements

To ensure your butterflyfish receives all the necessary nutrients, you can occasionally soak their food in a liquid vitamin supplement. This will help boost their immune system, support proper growth, and enhance their vibrant colors.

If your butterflyfish is housed in a reef tank with live corals, you may find that they nibble on coral polyps from time to time. While this is generally harmless in small amounts, it’s important to monitor their behavior to ensure that they are not causing significant damage to your coral colonies.

5. Compatibility and Tank Mates

5.1 Ideal Tank Mates

Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other fish species in a community tank, as long as there is ample space and hiding spots to reduce territorial disputes. When choosing tank mates, it’s important to select species that are not overly aggressive or territorial, as this could stress the butterflyfish.

Some ideal tank mates for Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish include:

These species are generally peaceful and will not compete with the butterflyfish for food or territory. In larger tanks, multiple Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish may be kept together, as they are known to form pairs or small groups in the wild. However, it’s essential to monitor their behavior closely, as territorial disputes can arise in smaller tanks.

5.2 Tank Mates to Avoid

While Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are generally peaceful, they should not be housed with overly aggressive or territorial species that may harass or stress them. Fish such as triggerfish, large angelfish, or aggressive tangs may pose a threat to the butterflyfish, especially in smaller tanks.

Additionally, while the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is often considered reef-safe, it’s important to be cautious when housing them with certain corals. These butterflyfish have been known to nip at soft corals, LPS corals, and even some SPS corals, particularly if they are not receiving enough nutrition from other food sources. If you have a reef tank, monitor their behavior closely and ensure they are well-fed to reduce the risk of coral damage.

6. Maintenance and Health

6.1 Common Health Issues

Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are relatively hardy for a butterflyfish species, but they are still susceptible to common marine diseases, especially if water quality is poor or they are subjected to stress. Some of the most common health issues include:

  • Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans): A parasitic infection that causes white spots on the fish’s body and fins. It is often triggered by stress or poor water quality.
  • Bacterial infections: These can result in fin rot, ulcers, or cloudy eyes and are often caused by injuries or poor water conditions.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Butterflyfish that do not receive a well-balanced diet may suffer from malnutrition, leading to color fading, lethargy, and weakened immune systems.

6.2 Preventing Disease

To prevent disease in Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish, it’s essential to maintain excellent water quality and provide a stress-free environment. Here are some tips for disease prevention:

  • Perform regular water changes: Weekly water changes of 10-20% will help remove waste and prevent the buildup of harmful toxins.
  • Monitor water parameters: Regularly test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and salinity to ensure stable conditions.
  • Quarantine new fish: Always quarantine new fish for at least 2-4 weeks before introducing them to your main tank to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Provide a varied diet: A well-rounded diet that includes both plant-based and protein-rich foods will help strengthen the immune system and prevent nutritional deficiencies.

If you notice any signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or visible symptoms like white spots or frayed fins, it’s important to act quickly. Early detection and treatment with appropriate medications can often resolve the issue before it becomes serious.


The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is a stunning and graceful addition to any large saltwater or reef aquarium. With their vivid golden-yellow coloration, peaceful demeanor, and unique swimming behavior, they are a favorite among marine aquarists. However, keeping these fish healthy and happy requires careful attention to their habitat, diet, and compatibility with other tank mates.

By providing a spacious, well-maintained tank with stable water conditions, a varied diet rich in marine algae and protein, and selecting peaceful tank mates, you can ensure that your Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish thrives in your aquarium. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or new to marine fishkeeping, this species offers a rewarding and visually striking addition to your marine setup.

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Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish Care Guide: Habitat, Compatibility, and Diet - Aquarium Insiders